The ultimate in creating a personalized blog is having your own little image pop up next to your web-site address. Instead of the "lovely" orange and white B. Kelsey over at The Tip Junkie posted a wonderful tutorial under Blogging 101 that shows you how to create your own favicon.
All I did, to create the lovely little (tiny) purple specks you see by my web-site address, was to follow her directions. I am not even going to pretend I could figure this out on my own, LOL!
One hint though - to create my little specks, I cropped down the image used for my signature to 15x15 using PhotoBucket. Everytime I need to figure something out, PhotoBucket seems to be able to easily do the job for me.
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Thank you for taking the time to read this post. I love reading your comments, and enjoy returning the favor {even if it takes me a while to return it, LOL!}.