I had so much fun this weekend! Ms. Diva and I spent a lot of time in the pool. My little bro made it to Texas for a two week vacation. The music for church service went very smoothly, and we did Amazing Grace/House of the Rising Sun version (I play violin, and hubby plays guitar and sings on the Praise Team ). I got some craft time in, and got both the Book Reviews I had pending posted and turned in ( Forgotten and Captured By Grace ). Just in time, since I have three historical fictions on their way from Bethany House Publishers, LOL! All in all a good weekend. Now, for the coincidence ( God's way of staying anonymous ) of the weekend. My mom and I went to go shopping on Saturday. I needed to get supplies to make more Stay-Put-Towels, and we stopped at the Super Wal-Mart completely by accident ( we did continue on and stop at Hobby Lobby, Sam's Club, and another Wal-Mart ). They didn't have the item I was planning to buy there (...