1. Have you worn the same outfit more than one day in a row? Definitely... if clean, and only worn for a couple hours. I.E. I wore something to church, and then wear it to work the next day. This definitely doesn't happen now, LOL! Have two kiddos under two means that I am 'decorated' within five minutes of putting any outfit on. I specialize in wearing machine wash and dry clothes now.
2. If you had to choose any LARGE city to live in, which would it be? London. I hate big cities so I might as well be living somewhere completely different, right? London/England is somewhere I have always wanted to explore. I did a day trip into London when we had an 8-hour layover, and it was a lot of fun but left me wanting to spend more time there.
3. Fly or drive with the kids on vacation? Either. I think road trips are a necessary part of growing up. And even though they seem to last forever... they do eventually end. Flying is almost hard since you have to be able to carry everything you need on the plane, and until the kiddos are old enough to help carry they normally need a car seat... So, you are carrying their stuff, their car seats, and anything you may want to take. Not that you will have time to read or do anything on the plane since you will be spending the time keeping them entertained.
Now you know how I truly felt when Ms. Diva and I took the trip to WA State, LOL!
4. What is your idea of "spring cleaning"? Moving the furniture, cleaning windows, a truly deep cleaning that normally includes going through closets and cupboards. I have been working though on going through stuff/areas more often {see my update here}. I have been keeping up with some areas better than others.
This was the first week I got through my 'morning list' before work. Now that Ms. T is 4-weeks-old, we are starting to get a family routine going again.
5. What is the best book you have ever read? I love reading, and to pick a favorite would be like choosing which child you love the most. (:-) You can check out books I have read on Book Reviews Page.

Regarding losing the baby weight: I have my 6 week appointment (post C-section) this coming week and can then begin 'real' excercise {more than just chasing Ms. Diva around the place}. I am having a hard time not snacking in the middle of the night when I get up to feed Ms. T, but I did pretty well this past week and only snacked once or twice total. I went on a pretty drastic chocolate binge the last two weeks as part of my first period {yes it happened very quickly post-preggars this time} and am very happy that somehow I didn't add a few pounds on. I am still at 173 pounds, and working down to 135ish.
I got the foot rest cover completed for Grandpa's room this week and will post pictures next week. It was my only sewing accomplishment this week, and I am really hoping to get some sewing time in this weekend. No new towels have been added to the towel shop for weeks now! Ugh! I am not going to worry about it, but I would really like to get some stuff done.
I did get the Bath Hand Towels switched out at Lather's yesterday, from Valentines to St.Patrick's. I am still looking for a great embroidery design to use for Easter towels. I haven't found the 'one' yet, LOL!
Till next week or my next post...
London, England would be a great place to live...